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護理英語 版權信息

護理英語 本書特色

  朱宏梅、畢向群主編的《護理英語(供全國高職高專院校護理類專業用mets考試指定教材國家衛生和計劃生育委員會十二五規劃教材)》遵循了新時期大學英語教學向專門用途英語(esp'english for specific purposes)方向發展的規律,圍繞新形勢下我國護理人才的培養目標,結合國內外專家、學者、教師們對英語教學的認知、經驗以及實踐,將大學英語教學與護理專業緊密結合。該教材旨在全面提高學習者在護理工作中的英語綜合運用能力,可供護理、助產專業的學生、醫院護理人員、參加全國醫護英語等級考試(mets)、國際護士執業水平考試(ispn, international standards for professional。 nurses)或美國cgfns考試和有志于出國從事護理工作的學習者使用。   該教材以專門用途英語理論為指導,以全國醫護英語等級考試大綱為標準,模擬真實護理場景,內容由淺入深,層層遞進,使學生了解相關專業知識,熟悉、掌握語言的應用,提高交流和表達能力。該教材從常見的醫護話題入手,體現了當今流行的護理理念,內容覆蓋入院、藥物、靜脈輸液、標本采集、感染控制、圍術期護理、母嬰護理、兒科護理、心理護理、老年護理、急救護理及出院指導12個單元。

護理英語 內容簡介


護理英語 目錄

unit 1  patient admission  part i  listening and speaking     dialogue 1  orienting the patient to the ward     dialogue 2  taking a patient's history     passage 1  a hospital receptionist     passage 2  types of hospital admission  part ii  reading     a. hospital     b. vital signs     c. pulse  part iii  medical terminology     formation of medical terminology  part iv  writing     admission noteunit 2  medications  part i  listening and speaking     dialogue 1  penicillin allergy test     dialogue 2  patient education about medications     passage 1  administration of medication     passage 2  pharmacy online  part ii  reading     a. aspirin     b. the pros and cons of antibiotics     c. traditional chinese herbal medicine  part ii  medical terminology     topic-related terms  part 1v  writing     medication directionunit 3  intravenous infusion  part i  listening and speaking     dialogue 1  checking an iv fluid     dialogue 2  starting an intravenous infusion     passage 1  infusion pump     passage 2  assessing during infusion  part ii  reading     a. intravenous infusion     b. over treatment problem     c. complication of intravenous therapy -- fever  part iii  medical terminology     plurals of medical terms  part iv  writing     nursing care planunit 4  specimen collection  part i  listening and speaking     dialogue 1  blood sugar test     dialogue 2  collecting the urine sample     passage 1  laboratory tests     passage 2  getting a midstream urine (msu) specimen  part ii  reading     a. renal disease     b. urinalysis       c. nursing diagnosis  part lli  medical terminology     topic-related terms  part iv  writing     pathology report  ..unit 5  safety & infection control  part i  listening and speaking     dialogue 1  nosocomial infection     dialogue 2  health education for a tuberculosis patient"     passage 1  chain of infection     passage 2  handwashing  part ii  reading     a. standard precaution     b. things you need to know about h7n9     c. sharps safety  part ii  medical terminology     topic-related terms  part iv  writing     memounit 6  perioperative care  part i  listening and speaking    dialogue 1  preoperative checks    dialogue 2  postoperative care    passage 1  postoperative teaching plan    passage 2  diaphragmatic breathing exercises part ii  reading    a. a nurse in the surgical unit    b. pain scales    c. nursing documentation     part iu  medical terminology    topic-related terms  part iv  writing    nurse's notesunit 7  maternal-infant care  part i  listening and speaking     dialogue 1  checkups for pregnant woman     dialogue 2  how to breasffeed a baby?     passage 1  maternal health     passage 2  prenatal care  part ii  reading  ,     a. midwife     b. why breasffeeding?     c. take baby's temperature  part iii  medical terminology     topic-related terms  part 1v  writing     resumeunit 8  pediatric care   part i  listening and speaking     dialogue 1  nursing care for a child'with diarrhea     dialogue 2  care for a child with pneumonia     passage 1  pneumonia     passage 2  making a medical emergency call   part ii  reading     a. rickets     b. asthma      c. five home safety tips for kids   part iu  medical terminology      topic-related words and phrases   part iv  writing      graduation certificateunit 9  psychological care  part i  listening and speaking     dialogue 1  caring for a patient with anxiety     dialogue 2  talking about depression     passage 1  music therapy and teens' mental health     passage 2  how is depression diagnosed and treated?  part ii  reading     a. some relaxation techniques that relieve stress quickly        b. how can i help a loved one who is depressed?     c. important interpersonal skills for a mental health nurse  part iii  medical terminology     topic-related terms  part 1v  writing     e-mailunit 10  geriatric care  part i  listening and speaking     dialogue 1  my father gets injured      dialogue 2  i am not quite well     passage 1  the first patientdiagnosed with alzheimer disease     passage 2  aging  part ]i  reading     a. helping a frail patient with meals     b. dementia care     c.health warning signs in elderly, people  part iii  medical terminology     topic-related terms  part iv  writing     invitation letterunit 11  first aid care  part i  listening and speaking     dialogue 1  about first aid and first aid responders     dialogue 2 a severe bleeding cat     passage 1  recognizing an emergency     passage 2  about first aid responders  part ii  reading     a. drowning     b. choking     c. cardiac arrest  part ]]i  medical terminology     topic-related words and phrases  part iv  writing     medical certificateunit 12  hospital discharge guides     part i  listening and speaking     dialogue 1  instruction about diet and medication       dialogue 2  discharge     passage 1  nurses as discharge planners     passage 2  information about new medications  part 11  reading        a. discharge planning guide for nurses     b. eating white rice increases the risk of diabetes      c. discharge summary  part iii  medical terminology     topic-related terms  part iv  writing     discharge guidanceglossaryreference