國際文憑考試輔導叢書:英文:數學:微積分 版權信息
- ISBN:9787547836491
- 條形碼:9787547836491 ; 978-7-5478-3649-1
- 裝幀:一般膠版紙
- 冊數:暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>>
國際文憑考試輔導叢書:英文:數學:微積分 本書特色
國際文憑考試輔導叢書:英文:數學:微積分 內容簡介
國際文憑考試輔導叢書:英文:數學:微積分 目錄
1Limits, continuous and
differentiable functions11.1Limits of sequences1
1.2Limits of functions3
1.3Squeeze Theorem9
1.4Continuity of functions11
1.5Differentiable functions16
Module one miscellaneous questions18
2Rolles theorem and
Mean Value Theorem222.1Rolles theorem22
2.2Mean Value Theorem (MVT)24
Module two miscellaneous questions29
3Fundamental Theorem of
Calculus and improper
integrals343.1Fundamental Theorem of Calculus34
3.2Improper integrations of the form
3.3Approximation of improper integrals38
Module three miscellaneous questions42
4Infinite series and
power series454.1Sum of infinite geometric series45
4.2Test for Divergence47
4.3Integral Test48
4.4Comparison Test51
4.5Limit Comparison Test54
4.6Alternating Series Test56
4.7Absolute and conditional convergence59
4.8Ratio Test61
4.9Telescoping series62
4.10Power series64
Module four miscellaneous questions67
5Taylor and Maclaurin
series705.1Revision: power series and its
5.2Taylor and Maclaurin series76
5.3Taylor and Maclaurin polynomials82
5.4Taylor and Maclaurin series with
their “friends”88
Module five miscellaneous questions99
6Differential equation1096.1Introduction to differential equation109
6.2Solving the first order differential
equations by graphical method1116.3Solving the first order differential
equations by numerical method121
6.4Solving the first order differential
equations by analytic method124
6.5The first order differential equation and
the Taylor or Maclaurin series149
Module six miscellaneous questions156
Answers of exercises165
國際文憑考試輔導叢書:英文:數學:微積分 作者簡介