第1卷 腫瘤學與腫瘤整形外科Oncology and Oncoplastic Surgery
第 1 章 乳腺癌流行病學:發病率和危險因素 3
The Epidemiology of Breast Cancer: Incidence and Risk Factors
第 2 章 乳腺癌篩查和診斷 13
Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis
第 3 章 術后乳腺影像檢查 20
Imaging of the Surgically Altered Breast
第 4 章 隆胸女性乳腺癌的診斷、預后和治療 42
Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment in Augmented Women
第 5 章 乳腺病理學 56
Pathology of Breast Disorders
第 6 章 高風險患者的定義和管理 74
Defining and Managing the High-risk Patient
第 7 章 一種腫瘤整形手術的治療導管原位癌方法 86
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ: An Oncoplastic Treatment Approach
第 8 章 乳腺癌的乳房切除術 116
Mastectomy for Breast Cancer
第 9 章 前哨淋巴結活檢和腋窩淋巴結清掃術 129
Sentinel Node Biopsy and Axillary Dissection
第 10 章 保乳:腫瘤學的問題 143
Breast Conservation: Oncologic Issues
第 11 章 腫瘤整形外科:常見和具有挑戰性問題的管理 150
Oncoplastic Surgery: Managing Common and Challenging Problems
第 12 章 乳腺部分切除術后缺損重建:分類與方法 169
Reconstruction of Partial Mastectomy Defects: Classifications and Methods
第 13 章 乳腺癌治療和重建上的特殊問題 197
Special Problems in the Treatment and Reconstruction of Breast Cancer
第 14 章 Osnabrueck
The Osnabrueck Experience With Reconstruction of the Partial Mastectomy Defect
15 章 保乳患者的重建 235
Reconstruction of the Breast Conservation Patient
第 16 章 巨乳患者保乳聯合乳房縮小整形 252
Reduction Mammaplasty as Part of Breast Conservation Therapy of the Large-breasted Patient
第 17 章 原發性乳腺癌術后隨訪:保乳治療與乳房切除術 258
Follow-up After Surgery for Primary Breast Cancer: Breast-conserving Therapy and Mastectomy
第 18 章 系統性輔助治療 271
Adjuvant Systemic Therapy
第 19 章 保乳術后的放射治療 290
Radiation Therapy Following Breast-conserving Surgery
第 20 章 浸潤性乳腺癌:乳房切除術后放療 306
Invasive Carcinoma: Radiation Therapy After Mastectomy
第 21 章 遺傳性乳腺癌:風險評估、基因檢測和管理措施 318
Hereditary Breast Cancer: Risk Assessment, Genetic Testing, and Management Options
第 22 章 預防性單純乳房切除及重建術,包括假體植入、背闊肌肌皮瓣技術和橫行腹直肌肌皮瓣技術 335
Prophylactic Simple Mastectomy and Reconstruction, Including Prosthetic, Latissimus, and Transverse Rectus
Abdominus Myocutaneous Flap Techniques
第 23 章 保留乳頭的乳房切除術和重建:適應證、技術和效果 345
Nipple-sparing Mastectomy and Reconstruction: Indications, Techniques, and Outcomes
第 24 章 保留乳頭的乳房切除術 358
Nipple-sparing Mastectomy
第 25 章 男性乳腺癌:腫瘤學和重建的思考 370
Breast Cancer in Men: Oncologic and Reconstructive Considerations
第 26 章 乳腺癌治療的心理影響 376
Psychological Impact of Treatments for Breast Cancer
第2卷 乳房重建Breast Reconstruction
第 27 章 知情同意:乳房手術的醫學法律注意事項 399
Informed Consent: Medicolegal Considerations in Breast Surgery
第 28 章 硅膠乳房植入物 407
Silicone Gel Breast Implants
第 29 章 乳房植入物:材料和制造工藝——歷史、現在和將來 416
Breast Implants: Materials and Manufacturing Past, Present, and Future
第 30 章 使用可調式假體一期完成的即刻乳房重建
One-stage Immediate Breast Reconstruction With Adjustable Implants
第 31 章 適形可調式假體在即刻及延遲乳房重建中的應用 451
Immediate and Delayed Breast Reconstruction With Shaped Adjustable Implants
第 32 章 使用組織擴張器及假體的兩步法即刻乳房重建 464
Immediate Two-stage Breast Reconstruction Using a Tissue Expander and Implant
第 33 章 脫細胞真皮基質輔助乳房重建術 478
Acellular Dermis-assisted Breast Reconstruction
第 34 章 一期假體聯合脫細胞真皮基質乳房重建 485
Direct-to-Implant Breast Reconstruction With Acellular Dermal Matrix
第 35 章 延遲的兩階段組織擴張器-假體乳房重建術 494
Delayed Two-stage Tissue Expander–Implant Breast Reconstruction
第 36 章 使用定型乳房假體的乳房重建術 504
Breast Reconstruction With Form-stable Implants
第 37 章 保留皮膚的延遲-即刻乳房重建 515
Skin-preserving Delayed-Immediate Breast Reconstruction
第 38 章 使用半月形擴張器和荷包縫合的即刻兩步法乳房重建 528
Immediate Two-stage Breast Reconstruction Using Semilunar Expander and Purse-string Closure
第 39 章 放療后的乳房假體重建 538
Prosthetic Reconstruction in the Radiated Breast
第 40 章 乳房重建術后再次修復案例 555
Secondary Prosthetic Cases
第 41 章 重建乳房下皺襞:外入路法 570
Recreating the Inframammary Fold: The External Approach
第 42 章 乳房下皺襞重建:內入路法 575
Re-creating the Inframammary Fold: The Internal Approach
第 43 章 利用淺表筋膜系統重建乳房下皺襞 590
Recreating the Inframammary Fold With the Superficial Fascial System
第 44 章 背闊肌肌皮瓣乳房再造 614
Latissimus Dorsi Musculocutaneous Flap Breast Reconstruction
第 45 章 內鏡下單純背闊肌皮瓣延遲-即刻自體重建術 634
Endoscopic Delayed-Immediate Autologous Reconstruction with Latissimus Muscle Only Flaps
第 46 章 背闊肌皮瓣在放療后乳房重建中的應用 643
The Latissimus Dorsi Flap in Reconstruction of the Radiated Breast
第 47 章 自體背闊肌皮瓣乳房重建伴/不伴即刻乳頭重建 652
Breast Reconstruction With an Autologous Latissimus Dorsi Flap With and Without Immediate Nipple Reconstruction
第 48 章 乳房美學亞單位 679
Aesthetic Subunits of the Breast
第 49 章 放療后的乳房重建 689
Reconstruction of the Irradiated Breast
第 50 章 利用自體組織同期重建乳房和乳頭 705
One-stage Reconstruction of the Breast Using Autologous Tissue With Immediate Nipple Reconstruction
第 51 章 雙蒂橫行腹直肌肌皮瓣乳房重建 722
Bipedicle TRAM Flap Reconstruction
第 52 章 橫行腹直肌肌皮瓣乳房重建:單蒂全肌肉技術 735
Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flap Reconstruction: The Single-pedicle, Whole-muscle Technique
第 53 章 單蒂腹直肌皮瓣再造乳房:保留肌肉技術 743
Breast Reconstruction With the Unipedicle TRAM Operation: The Muscle-splitting Technique
第 54 章 雙側橫行腹直肌肌皮瓣 752
Bilateral Transverse Rectus Abdominus Myocutaneous Flaps
第 55 章 游離腹直肌皮瓣在乳房重建中的運用 763
Free Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flap Breast Reconstruction
第 56 章 經乳暈周圍入路保留皮膚乳房切除術后的即刻重建 775
Immediate Reconstruction After Skin-sparing Mastectomy Through a Periareolar Approach
第 57 章 保留皮膚的全乳切除術后大網膜聯合補片的一期乳房重建術 788
Immediate Reconstruction After Skin-sparing Mastectomy Using the Omental Flap and Synthetic Mesh
第 58 章 腹部皮瓣聯合植入物的乳房重建 795
Abdominal Flaps and Implants
第 59 章 術前延遲橫行腹直肌肌皮瓣 804
Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous Flaps With Preoperative Delay
第 60 章 游離自體組織乳房重建:選擇供區流程 813
Breast Reconstruction With Free Tissue Transfer: An Algorithmic Approach
第 61 章 穿支皮瓣在乳房再造中的應用 823
Perforator Flaps in Breast Reconstruction
第 62 章 穿支皮瓣的解剖學基礎 833
Anatomic Basis of Perforator Flaps
第 63 章 帶蒂穿支皮瓣在乳房重建中的應用 846
Pedicled Perforator Flaps in Breast Reconstruction
第 64 章 保留部分肌筋膜的橫行腹直肌皮瓣 859
Musculofascial-sparing Transverse Rectus Abdominis Musculocutaneous Flaps
第 65 章 腹壁下深動脈穿支皮瓣在乳房重建中的應用 868
Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap Breast Reconstruction
第 66 章 臀上動脈穿支皮瓣在乳房重建中的應用 880
The Superior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap in Breast Reconstruction
第 67 章 臀下動脈穿支皮瓣的顯微乳房重建術 893
The Inferior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flap for Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction
第 68 章 腹壁下淺動脈皮瓣乳房重建 899
The Superficial Inferior Epigastric Artery Flap in Breast Reconstruction
第 69 章 股薄肌皮瓣乳房重建 910
Gracilis Flaps for Breast Reconstruction
第 70 章 乳房重建中對側乳房的處理 923
Options for Managing the Opposite Breast in Breast Reconstruction
第 71 章 雙側乳房重建的問題、思考和結果 931
Issues, Considerations, and Outcomes in Bilateral Breast Reconstruction
第 72 章 乳頭-乳暈重建 951
Nipple-Areola Reconstruction
第 73 章 隆胸術后乳房重建的注意事項 973
Considerations of Previous Augmentation in Subsequent Breast Reconstruction
第 74 章 自體組織乳房重建的二期手術 983
The Second Stage in Autologous Breast Reconstruction
第 75 章 腹部皮瓣移植乳房重建后的生物力學考慮 994
Biomechanical Considerations Following Breast Reconstruction With Abdominal Flaps
第 76 章 脂肪注射在乳房重建中輪廓畸形修復的應用 1007
Fat Injection to Correct Contour Deformities in the Reconstructed Breast
第 77 章 自體脂肪移植乳房重建 1015
Lipomodeling of the Reconstructed Breast
第 78 章 乳房重建術后的監測 1035
Surveillance Following Breast Reconstruction
第 79 章 復發性乳腺癌乳房重建 1041
Reconstruction of the Breast Following Tumor Recurrence
第 80 章 干細胞與乳房 1047
Stem Cells and the Breast
第 81 章 乳房術后慢性疼痛的綜合治療 1056
Management of Chronic Postoperative Breast Pain
第 3 卷 乳房縮小成形術和乳房懸吊術
Reduction Mammaplasty and Mastopexy
第 82 章 乳房縮小成形術和乳房懸吊術 1065
Reduction Mammaplasty and Mastopexy: General Considerations