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包郵 慣性基偏振羅盤定向信息處理技術

開本: 16開 頁數: 220
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開年大促, 全場包郵

慣性基偏振羅盤定向信息處理技術 版權信息

  • ISBN:9787121474071
  • 條形碼:9787121474071 ; 978-7-121-47407-1
  • 裝幀:暫無
  • 冊數:暫無
  • 重量:暫無
  • 所屬分類:>

慣性基偏振羅盤定向信息處理技術 內容簡介

This book systematically and comprehensively elaborates on the intelligent information processing technology for a bioinspired polarization compass. The content of this book are briefly consisted of three parts. The research background and significance of intelligent information processing technology for a bioinspired polarization compass is introduced first, which analyzes the research status, development trends, and gap with foreign countries in the field of orientation methods based on atmospheric polarization pattern, as well as the processing methods of the orientation error for a bioinspired polarization compass and integrated system information processing. Subsequently, the noise components of a bioinspired polarization compass and the impact of noise on its directional accuracy is analyzed, introducing the denoising and orientation error compensation technique based on intelligent algorithms such as multi-scale principal component analysis and multi-scale adaptive time-frequency peak filtering. The third part focuses on the application of cubature Kalman filter and their improvement methods in seamless combination orientation systems based on a bioinspired polarization compass. A seamless combination orientation model under discontinuous observation conditions is proposed and a discontinuous observation algorithm based on neural networks is designed.

慣性基偏振羅盤定向信息處理技術 目錄

Chapter1 Introduction 1 1.1 Development Background and Research Significance 1 1.2 Bioinspired polarization orientation method 3 1.3 Orientation error processing method for bioinspired polarization compass 13 1.4 Combined orientation system and method for bioinspired polarizaition compass/inertial navigation 20 Chapter2 Orientation Method and System for Atmospheric Polarization Pattern 27 2.1 Orientation method for atmospheric polarization pattern 28 2.1.1 Analysis and automatic identification of neutral point characteristics of atmospheric polarization pattern 28 2.1.2 Orientation algorithm based on solar meridian for imaging bioinspired polarization compass 32 2.2 Design and integration for bioinspired polarization compass based on FPGA 37 2.3 Verification of Bioinspired Polarization compass orientation test 41 2.3.1 Static orientation test 46 2.3.2 Turntable dynamic orientation test 48 2.3.3 UAV airborne dynamic orientation test 49 2.4 Chapter Summary 53 Chapter3

慣性基偏振羅盤定向信息處理技術 作者簡介

趙東花, 博士畢業于中北大學儀器科學與技術學科,研究方向為仿生傳感與智能導航。現工作于中北大學"省部共建動態測試技術”國家重點實驗室,講師,日本大阪大學電氣、電子和信息工程司訪問學者。主持省部級課題2項,參與國家面上項目、裝備重大基礎研究課題、軍委科技委 173 基金、軍委科技委基礎加強子課題等國家/省部級項目5項。以第一作者/唯一通信作者發表高水平 SCI 論文7篇,以第一發明人授權國家發明專利3項,獨立編寫國家級規劃教材《傳感器原理與應用》(第四版)一章。
