烏有鄉消息 內容簡介
Morris rom Nowhere
News from Nowhere(1890)is the most famous work of one of the greatest British writers and thinkers,William Morris.It is a utopoian picture of a future communist society,drawing on the worh of Ruskin and Marx and written in response to what Morris saw as soulless and mechanical visions of sovialism.In this work of his last years,Morris distilled many of his leading ideas on politics,art and society,imagining a world in which capitalism has been abolished by a works’revolution and nature and society have become beautiful habitations for hunmanity.In an era that has seen the collapse of state socialism,Morris’s damning critique of this conception,and his positing of a powerful alternative,are compelling reasons for paying attention to this coassic of British socislism.
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Morris rom Nowhere News from Nowhere(1890)is the most famous work of one of the greatest British writers and thinkers,William Morris.It is a utopoian picture of a future communist society,drawing on the worh of Ruskin and Marx and written in response to what Morris saw as soulless and mechanical visions of sovialism.In this work of his last years,Morris distilled many of his leading ideas on politics,art and society,imagining a world in which capitalism has been abolished by a works’revolution and nature and society have become beautiful habitations for hunmanity.In an era that has seen the collapse of state socialism,Morris’s damning critique of this conception,and his positing of a powerful alternative,are compelling reasons for paying attention to this coassic of British socislism.
烏有鄉消息 目錄
ews from Nowhere(1890)is the most famous work of one of the greatest British writers and thinkers,William Morris.It is a utopoian picture of a future communist society,drawing on the worh of Ruskin and Marx and written in response to what Morris saw as soulless and mechanical visions of sovialism.In this work of his last years,Morris distilled many of his leading ideas on politics,art and society,imagining a world in which capitalism has been abolished by a works’revolution and nature and society have become beautiful habitations for hunmanity.In an era that has seen the collapse of state socialism,Morris’s damning critique of this conception,and his positing of a powerful alternative,are compelling reasons for paying attention to this coassic of British socislism.
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