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企業級Web開發-(影印版) 版權信息

企業級Web開發-(影印版) 本書特色

  如果你想利用html5語言構建你的企業的下一代 web應用,費恩編*的《企業級web開發(影印版)(英文版)》可以幫助你利用不同的框架、庫和開發選項達到目的。在這本書中,你將會通過親手編寫一個web應用程序的多個版本學習到不同的方法,這樣你將可以為你的企業制定正確的策略。   *好的接觸移動和桌面用戶的方式是什么?模塊化、安全和測試驅動開發是什么?通過大量可行的代碼實例,這本書將會幫助wed應用開發者和軟件架構師掌握日益流行的html5和javascript。  

企業級Web開發-(影印版) 內容簡介


企業級Web開發-(影印版) 目錄

prefaceintroductionpart ⅰ.  buildingyourapplication  1. mocking up the save the child application    considering mobile first    introducing balsamiq mockups    the project owner talks to a web designer    creating first mockups    turning mockups into a prototype      single-page applications      running code examples from webstorm      our first prototype      our main page javascript      the footer section      the donate section    adding video      adding the html5 video element      embedding youtube videos    adding geolocation support      geolocation basics      integration with google maps      browser feature detection with modernizr      search and multimarkers with google maps    summary  2. using ajax and json    understanding ajax    understanding json    working with ajax      retrieving data from the server      ajax: good and bad      populating states and countries from html files    using json      populating states and countries from json files      using arrays in json      loading charity events by using ajax and json      using json in cms    handling json in java    compressing json    adding charts to save the child      adding a chart with the canvas element      adding a chart by using svg    loading data from other servers by using jsonp      beer and jsonp    summary  3. introducing the jquety library    getting started with jquery      hello world    using selectors and filters    testing jquery code with jsfiddle    filtering elements    handling events      attaching event handlers and elements by using the method on()      delegating events    using ajax with jquery      handy shorthand methods    programming save the child by using jquery      login and donate      loading html states and countries by using jquery ajax      loading json states and countries by using jquery ajax      submitting the donate form    using jquery plug-ins      validating the donate form by using a plug-in      adding an image slider    summarypart ⅱ.  enterprise considerations  4. developing web applications in the ext js framework  5. selected productivity tools for enterprise developers  6. modularizing large-scale javascript projects  7. test-driven development with javascript  8. upgrading http to websocket  9. introduction to web application securitypart ⅲ.  responsive web design and mobile devices  10. responsive design: one site fits all  11. jquery mobile  12. senchatouch  13. hybrid mobile applications  14. epiloguea. selected html5 apisb. running code samples and ideindex