美國語文讀本-6 版權信息
- ISBN:9787542634146
- 條形碼:9787542634146 ; 978-7-5426-3414-6
- 裝幀:暫無
- 冊數(shù):暫無
- 重量:暫無
- 所屬分類:>
美國語文讀本-6 內容簡介
美國語文讀本-6 目錄
lesson 2 the needle
lesson 3 dawn
lesson 4 description of a storm
lesson 5 after the thunderstorm
lesson 6 house cleaning
lesson 7 schemes of life often illusory
lesson 8 the brave old oak
lesson 9 the artist surprised
lesson 10 pictures of memory
lesson 11 the morning oratorio
lesson 12 short selections in poetry
lesson 13 death of little nell
lesson 14 vanity of life
lesson 15 a political pause
美國語文讀本-6 節(jié)選
《美國語文讀本6(美國原版經(jīng)典語文課本)》:這套讀本的英文原版共分七級,包括啟蒙讀本和第1-6級。考慮到啟蒙讀本與**級篇幅都較少,難易程度也很接近,于是將之合并為第1冊,其余2-6級與英文原版相同。這樣國內出版的這套讀本共包括6冊。《美國語文讀本6(美國原版經(jīng)典語文課本)》引用了莎士比亞、朗費羅、狄更斯、艾迪生等名家名篇,通過一篇篇短小精悍的故事,將道德教育的內容傾注于作品之中,讓孩子在欣賞這些優(yōu)美文章的同時,從中感受到道德教育的力量。This series of schoolbooks teaching reading and moral precepts, originally prepared by William Holmes who was a professor at Miami University McGuffey, had a profound influence on public education in the United States. The eclectic readers, meaning that the selections were chosen from a number of sources, were considered remarkably literary works and probably exerted a greater influence upon literary tastes in the United States more than any other book, excluding the Bible. It is estimated that at least 120 million copies of McGuffey's Readers were sold between 1836 and 1960, placing its sales in a category with the Bible and Webster's Dictionary. Since 1961 they have continued to sell at a rate of some 30,000 copies a year. No other textbook bearing a single person's name has come close to that mark. McGuffey's Readers are still in use today in some school systems, and by parents for home schooling purposes.In the sixth and final reader of 1885, there were 186 selections, 111 great authors were quoted such as Shakespeare, Longfellow, Dickens and Addison. The theme of the selections included several forms of composition, description, narration, argumentation and exposition. In this book there were also seventeen selections from the Bible.
美國語文讀本-6 作者簡介
威廉·H·麥加菲,美國著名教育家。1800年出生于賓夕法尼亞州,1826年畢業(yè)于華盛頓大學杰斐遜學院。在數(shù)十年教育生涯中,他曾擔任過邁阿密大學語言學教授,俄亥俄大學校長。自1845年開始任弗吉尼亞大學道德哲學教授。他還幫助組建了俄亥俄州公立學校體系。 早在19世紀初期,麥加菲就意識到,應該給那些孤獨的墾荒者和歐洲移民的后代提供普遍的教育,于是他利用自己作為演講家與教育工作者的天賦,開始為孩子們編寫系列教材。這套教材共7冊,從學齡前至第6年級。他前后花費了20多年的時間才完成全套教材的編寫。這套教材面世后就被美國很多學校選為課本。在75年間銷量高達1.22億,直到今天仍以各種版本流行于西方,被美國《出版周刊》評為“人類出版史上第三大暢銷書”,對美國青年的心靈塑造與道德培養(yǎng)產(chǎn)生了史無前例的影響。
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