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孔子畫傳 版權信息

  • ISBN:9787511053961
  • 條形碼:9787511053961 ; 978-7-5110-5396-1
  • 裝幀:一般輕型紙
  • 冊數:暫無
  • 重量:暫無
  • 所屬分類:>>

孔子畫傳 本書特色


孔子畫傳 內容簡介

本書用漫畫的形式講述了孔子如何從一個普通人成長為中國古代偉大的思想家、教育家、儒家學派創始人,并*終成為“圣人”的故事。孔子之所以被后世尊為圣人,就在于其看似平易的思想和言行,無不與包括科學與哲學在內的中國文化相互通約。本書呈現給大家的是一個有血有肉的“圣人”形象。 This book tells the story of how Confucius grew from an ordinary person to a great thinker, educator, and founder of Confucian school in ancient China, and finally became a "sage." The reason why Confucius was revered as a saint by the later world was that his seemingly easy thoughts, words and deeds were all in agreement with Chinese culture, including science and philosophy. What this book presents to everyone is the image of a flesh and blood "sage."

孔子畫傳 目錄

Contents Introduction 001 Part 1 The Lineage of Confucius 002 Part 2 Teaching Himself and Supporting Himself 011 Part 3 First Exposure to Social Reality 015 Part 4 An Unorthodox Education 017 Part 5 Assistant Master of Ceremonies 024 Part 6 Becoming Famous for Founding a School 028 Part 7 Learning for All 034 Part 8 The Origin of the “Four Fields of Study” 036 Part 9 Trip to the Capital 042 Part 10 Consulting Laozi About the Rites 045 Part 11 Discussing Music with Chang Hong 049 Part 12 The Political Environment in the State of Lu 054 Part 13 Duke Jing of Qi Asks About Government 065 Part 14 Hearing the Shao Music 068 Part 15 Fleeing from Qi 071 Part 16 Fourteen Years of Not Being Confused and Knowing the Mandate of Heaven 074 Part 17 Learning and Digesting the Truth of the Rites and Music of Three Dynasties 078 Part 18 Through the Rites Achieve Humanism, Display Humanism Through the Rites 082 Part 19 Establishing the Character of the Gentleman 091 Part 20 Time Is Flowing Away and It Does Not Wait for Us 099 Part 21 Confucius' Official Career 107 Part 22 Appointed Minister of the Interior 111 Part 23 Uproar at Jiagu 115 Part 24 Attending the Year-end Sacrifice 121 Part 25 Razing the Three Cities 125 Part 26 I Am Going So Slowly Because I Am Leaving Behind the Land of My Parents 135 Part 27 Arrival in Wei 141 Part 28 Delayed in Kuang and Pu 146 Part 29 Three Unhappy Years in Wei 154 Part 30 Journeying Through the States of Cao and Song to Zheng 170 Part 31 Arrival in Chen 180 Part 32 Starvation Between Chen and Cai 190 Part 33 Passing Through Fuhan 197 Part 34 Casual Meetings with Chu Hermits 201 Part 35 Falling Ill on the Way 212 Part 36 Return to Wei 217 Part 37 State Elder 227 Part 38 Sorting Out the Ancient Records 230 Patt 39 Three Thousand Followers, Seventy Disciples 231 Part 40 Deaths of Kong Li, Yan Hui and Zi Lu 236 Part 41 “I Think Only Heaven Understands Me!” 243 Part 42 A Man of the Most Exalted Virtue and the Utmost Moral Integrity 249

孔子畫傳 作者簡介

周春才,北京人,1957年出生,職業畫家、獨立撰稿人。多年來,作者通過與西方文化比較,從價值觀和方法論層面對中國文化進行了全面闡釋,作品系統性強,形象生動,在國內外影響廣泛。 保羅·懷特,英國翻譯家,在中國外文局擔任外國專家,在中國已工作30多年,完成《習近平談治國理政》《中國道路與中國夢》《一國兩制在香港的成功實踐》等主題圖書英文版的翻譯改稿工作。2017年8月,獲得第十一屆中華圖書特殊貢獻獎。
